The Unapologetically Me Blog.

Check out some of my favorite blog posts.


What Just Happened? My 2020 Reflection.

I am currently sitting at my computer, staring at my screen and for once I feel speechless. I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know where to start. To be honest, I don’t know what just happened. Click here to read full post.

I Suffer From Anxiety.

I have always been an anxious person. I swear, it’s part of my DNA. 

In the past when it would flare up I would find myself spiraling. It looked different each time. Either a thought was repeating in my mind. Or maybe I was projecting an outcome to something that had not happened yet. I would “make up stories” often, which was not helpful and to be honest a waste of so much of my energy.  Click here to read the full post.

My Worth.

I’ve always believed that I would find my worth WHEN……… Fill in the blank. When I became a mother. When I got the job. When I got myself out of debt. When I became a wife. When I received the promotion. When “they” accepted me. 

When. When. When……..  It never comes. Click here to read the full post.

My Biggest Fear Happened.

I have had one fear for eighteen years now, and last summer it came true. My oldest daughter moved out. It’s not the fact that she moved out that was my fear. No. I knew that was coming one day obviously. No, my biggest fear had been that my daughter would move out and it would be to live with her father. Click here to read the full post.