
I love a good reflection. 

A moment to pause and think about where you’ve been and where you’re headed. 

I’m turning 40. 

This feels big. 

This feels a bit overwhelming.

Not turning 40. 

I’m excited for this milestone!

I’ve been ready for it for some time. 

Aging is beautiful. 

I believe we simply get better with age. 

No, what is overwhelming is the idea of the reflection. 

What am I supposed to reflect on?

The last year? 

The last 40 years? 

I’ve been avoiding it because it just feels too dang big. 

Then I heard something on a podcast the week leading up to my birthday that resonated with me. 

This moment in my life is my intermission. 

This moment. Right here. Right now. 

This is MY intermission. 

Yes it is. 

It is my time to stand up and stretch. 

It’s my time to get a drink. 

Use the ladies room. 

Look around the room.

Do a little people watching. 

Converse with those around me that just enjoyed the first act of the show. 

It’s my time to rest.

It’s my time to reassess. 

It’s my time to start getting ready for what’s to come in Act 2.

I found this definition of intermission that I really liked.  

The word intermission has a Latin root, intermissionem, "a breaking off or interruption." Originally, it meant any temporary pause, but by the 1850s it was often used in reference to breaks between acts in theatrical performances.

That’s it. 

It’s my time to interrupt.

It’s my time to temporarily pause. 

It’s my time to look ahead to what’s to come in Act 2. 

A future of unknown opportunities and possibilities. 

I’m actually so excited. 

I truly believe aging is a beautiful journey. 

Every experience, every relationship, every journey,  they each help to create the path towards a life we have the honor of experiencing. 

Trust me, I know, the first act was intense. 

It came fast. 

There were SO many moving parts.

A ton of characters. 

It was a lot. 

I feel exhausted. 

But that is why this intermission is so important. 

So I can pause, reflect and ENJOY what I just experienced.

What I have created. 

Because the next 40 are going to go by too dang fast too, and this time, this is the stuff I want to slow down and enjoy. 

This is the stuff worth living for. 

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No One Tells You.