
I used to think I needed more. 

A bigger home with all the things. 

A nicer car, and all the trips. 

A million friends, and all the plans. 

I used to think that I needed more. And when I got there, I’d feel happier. I used to think if I worked harder, I’d be able to get all the things I’ve ever needed.  

Then I’d be happy. Then I’d feel fulfilled. 

I used to think that what I had was never enough. 

But I was wrong. 

It’s true, I live a life that some might call modest.

Some might even call it plain.

Many actually say we are boring. 

I call it simple. 

And this simple life, it’s actually perfect for me. 

I have everything I have ever needed or wanted in this life. 

A marriage built on a foundation built so strong. 

An abundance of love for my children and pride for who they are becoming. 

A safe and beautiful place to call our home. 

A car that gets my family to where it needs to be safely. 

Nutritious food on our table. 

Clothes to keep us warm. 

And a core group of friends and family that help keep us grounded. 

I used to think that living a simple life was boring, and never enough, but then I realized it is actually everything I had ever dreamed of. 

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Stable Ground.

