
“Learning to not envy someone else's blessings is what grace looks like.” 

- Rupi Kaur 

It can make us do crazy things.

It often doesn’t bring the good out of us.

We see something in someone else’s life, and it somehow causes us pain.


Because we feel jealousy. 

Because we feel envy. 

Because we want what they have. 

So we get upset at them.  

But should we? 

Is it their fault they’re showing up in a way that maybe we wish we could?

Is something happening for them that we want to happen to us?

What if instead of getting upset, when we have this feeling bubble up inside, we stop and ask ourselves, “What is this feeling trying to tell me? What is it that I am longing for or feel that I may be missing in MY life?”

Then we listen. 

That feeling, it’s not about them, it’s about you. Your heart is trying to tell you exactly what it is in need of. 

Do not allow those negative feelings to take away her shine. To take away her joy. 

Instead, let us use it as an opportunity to bring into our lives what it is we feel we are missing. Let us use it as a force that motivates us to bring that same kind of shine and joy into our own lives.

Emotions are signals.

They are signs that our inner self is trying to tell us something. Envy and jealousy can be hurtful, not only to us, but to others as well. We have the ability to use these emotions in a positive way. To create the power we need to make real change in our lives. 

Be aware of these moments. Flip the narrative. Find ways to show up in your life the way your true self needs you to. 

“Envy is the ulcer to the soul.” ~ Socrates 

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$140,000 Gone.


My Life.