
Armor has been wrapped around my heart since I was a little girl. 

To protect me from things that I could not protect myself from. 

It was built with a purpose. 

It’s been there for most of my life. 

This armor that my heart wears is wrapped in limiting beliefs. 

Beliefs that I still need the armor to protect me today.  

It has helped me over the years to be able to move through life. 

To survive all the hardships and difficulties I had encountered. 

But now it is no longer protecting me, merely restricting me from feeling this one precious life I have been given. 

It’s time to remove the armor. 

To free my heart. 

It’s time to start feeling again. 

As I enter into this new year, I have made a promise to my dear heart. 

One that I intend to keep for us both. 

I promise that this day forward, I will live my life with an open heart. 

One that allows us to feel it all.


The good. 

The hard.

The sad. 

The joy. 

I am no longer that little girl that needs you to protect me. 

I am a grown woman that needs you only to guide me through a life full of an abundance of love.

Show me what is possible and I will promise you that we will be okay.  

That we are safe. 

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