
Have you ever really paid attention to your ego? Or how much it attempts to lead your life? 

My ego is something I have been made more aware of lately. 

I have been doing the work to live more of a heart minded life. To come from a place of love, with less judgment. A place of abundance instead of scarcity. A place of living in the future and not the past. 

When I find I am spinning, I am more aware now that my ego is trying to take the reins. She is trying to bring me to a place where I will fit in, be liked and feel that I belong. 

A place that comes at a cost. 

That ego will do and think whatever she wants in order to get this resolution. 

Our ego is built of many pieces of ourselves that we (or the world), have created labels for. 

These pieces, like a puzzle, are put together to become a mask we often hide behind. 

These labels determine who we are. 

They determine how we show up. 

They determine what we think. 

These labels determine what it is we value. 

And how we treat ourselves and others. 

Now don’t get confused, our labels are not only things like mother, daughter, sister, friend, or leader. 

No, they can also be the characteristics we have as well. 

Like a homebody, or loud. Maybe even “extra”, or sensitive.

The labels we claim for ourselves are often used as the lenses we use to look at the world. 

In order to fit in and belong, or understand why we don’t, we hold these labels up against how others show up in their lives. We use these labels as a form of judgment, or a meter to figure out in what way WE measure up to. 

By living in these labels, often assigned by our ego, we hide behind this mask and assume position, ignoring what our heart is telling us is our true self. 

But what if we put down that mask? 

What if we didn’t allow these labels to control our narrative?

What if we listened to our heart and lived our lives following our intuition.

Listening to our heart. 

What would that feel like? 


Maybe a release of pressure? 

Maybe a sense of freedom as we stop trying to belong to people that we don’t actually want or need to belong to? 

What if we told our egos to pipe down when they try to take the steering wheel? 

What if we sat in moments quietly and listened to what WE really wanted? 

Do you think that would help us live a truer, more beautiful life? 

I do. 

Your ego is the voice inside your head. 

The noise that doesn’t add value to much. 

Don’t let it take control of who it is you truly want to be. 

Remind yourself often, you are not the thoughts. 

You are the person observing the thoughts. 

You can take the mask off anytime, and be your true self. 

“When you no longer believe everything you think, you step out of thought and see clearly what the thinker is not who you are.” Eckhart Tolle 

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Bigger Than Me

