
A reflection of 2021. 

When I closed 2020, I promised myself that my next journey would bring me a sense of freedom

That I would not continue to live my life the way I had been. 

When I sat and thought about the version of myself that I wanted to be on the other side of 2021, she was free.

Free of anxiety. 

Free of stress. 

Free of worry. 

Free of other people's opinions and expectations.

Free of trying to be someone that I wasn’t.  

Instead, I want to listen to myself more. 

I want to make myself my priority. 

I want to sit in stillness and appreciate the quiet. 

But if I wanted to show up as her, real work was going to have to happen. 

Patience was going to be needed. 

Sacrifices would have to be made. 

I knew I wasn’t going to get this right the first time, but I also knew that I wanted it so badly that I was willing to give it my all. 

Let me tell you, it was not easy and it took another stumble for me to realize that I was not actually doing the work that was needed of me.  In order to really show up in this way, I quickly found that I was going to need to release some things in my life in order to truly feel free. 

I let go of things that made me feel trapped.

I let go of things that made me feel like I was suffocating. 

I let go of things that made me feel unworthy. 

I created boundaries and made changes in my life that were so friggin hard, but necessary.

I made decisions that brought calm to my life. Decisions that made me feel at peace. Decisions that allowed me to feel more present then I ever had. 

My life started to shift. 

Things started to feel different. 

I started to finally feel free. 

I started to finally feel more like me

This is only the beginning. There is so much more work to do. I have so much I want to discover about myself. 

So with that, I am setting my intention for 2022 to discover more. 

To lean in. 

To listen. 

To learn. 

Thank you 2021 for the lessons. I am open and ready to receive what you have next for me. 

“You are the only one responsible for giving yourself the life that you want.” - Unknown 

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There She Is.