

It goes by too fast. 

It happens in the blink of an eye. 

You wake up one day and think, how did I get here? 

When did this all happen? 

But you were there.

You just don’t remember. 

You were too busy going with the motions. 

Wishing and working toward the next thing. 

Waking up each day, playing it out similar to the day before and the day before that. 

You got into this pattern, these routines, those habits. You thought it was how we were supposed to live, but it ended up causing you to move through life on autopilot. 

You checked off the boxes. 

You crossed off the list.

You did what you were  “supposed” to do.  





And then one day you woke up, and you looked around and asked yourself, how? 

And that is when you realized, you haven’t been living. That’s when you realized,  you’ve been only surviving. 

In all these years, you haven’t actually allowed yourself to feel life. To be present in this life. To see it for what it truly is. 


Decisions were made. Paths were followed, and here you stand in a life you now want more out of. 

You start to question where it is you’re actually headed. 

You realize you’ve become too comfortable. 

What you have built was safe. 

It was easy. 

It was expected. 

Maybe that works for you. But also, maybe part of you wonders if there’s something more. 

Have you ever really stopped and allowed yourself the opportunity to dream about what life could look like? You know, if you took the leap. If you made different decisions. Or took a different path. 

Allow this moment to be that opportunity. 

Allow this to be your fresh start. 

This moment is yours for the taking. 

But only if you decide to take the leap. 


Think about the possibilities. They’re endless. 

This life. Your life, it is the only one you’ve got. You deserve to live it. You deserve to feel it. You deserve to create it, as you see it. 

“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all - the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” - unknown 

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My Body.