
There is so much noise. 

Both inside and out. 

My thoughts are racing. I can’t keep up. 

It’s never quiet. 

There’s always pressure to do more. 

To be more. 

I can feel the pressure on my chest. 

It’s heavy.

It’s suffocating. 

But the noise, it’s so loud. 

It tells me in order to feel worthy, to be successful, I must do more.

I must be more.  


Keep going. 

Keep doing. 

Keep climbing.

Keep achieving.


It’s never enough. 

When will it be enough? 

I keep listening to them. 

They tell me, you’re strong enough. 

They tell me, you’ll be happier. 

They tell me, you’ll feel complete. 

They tell me, you’ll feel worthy. 

But when?

I’ve lost my sense of self. 

I’ve lost my intuition.

I’ve lost my knowing. 

I’ve allowed the noise from the outside, to mirror what I’m feeling on the inside.

I need to find my way back. 

I need to quiet the noise. 

I need to find MY voice. 

My thoughts.

My knowing. 

No more. 

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There She Is.

