Hi! I’m Pamela….

Meet Pamela.JPG

I am so glad you are here. I am the voice and heart behind the Unapologetically Me Blog + Tribe. Both were built as a space to support women on their journey to show up as the best version of themselves, unapologetically. 

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a mama to three daughters who make me extremely proud every single day. They are some of the kindest humans I know, which is all a mama can ask for. I am happily married to my partner in this life and my very best friend. Together we show up in this world as a pair of ninjas, never knowing what each day will look like under our roof! Our current age range of these girls? 19, 5, + 2. 

Yup. Ninjas! 

My story? Well it all began the day I became a young, single mama at the age of nineteen to my first daughter. It was in that moment that I made the pact to both she and myself that, though I may not have known exactly what I was doing, I would always give it my ALL until I figured it out. 

And that I did. 

Fast forward nineteen years later and we have welcomed two more strong, independent daughters to our family. My poor husband. 

It was with the birth of my third daughter that I felt a loss of control in my life. It was in that moment that I realized I had lost my sense of self. For so long I had been a mother, a wife, a daughter, an employee, a leader, a friend and a sister, but I had lost who I was at the center of my soul. 

Well that, my friends, is exactly when-by accident-my personal growth journey began.  

In short amount of time, my life turned completely around. It was then that I started my blog to capture this journey as I learned and healed through many years worth of layers of the things I had allowed to become my identity. I took back control of both my physical and mental health and, for once in my adult life, made myself a priority. 

For the first time in my life, I was not only setting goals, but achieving them! From starting my health journey, to creating a side hustle, of which I am so unbelievably proud. I was no longer a typical goal setter, but a GoalGetter! 

I truly believe that if you make the choice to not break that promise to yourself, that absolutely anything is possible. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. I’m here to walk right alongside you. 

Let’s do this!
