$140,000 Gone.

Last night I hit a huge milestone. 


I made the final payment on my school debt. 

  • Associates

  • Undergrad 

  • Masters 

$140,000 in school loans.

Hanging over me. 

Giving me so much angst and anxiety. 

The debt itself started with really $80,000 and an education career that started back in 2000. 

That amount? That’s all interest. 


I hit submit on that final payment last night and I swear my body took the biggest exhale it had ever taken in my life. 

To know that it is gone. 

To know that it can no longer hold the power that it had for all of those years on me. 

The toxic energy it brought into my life, but also, my body. 

It’s amazing what stress and anxiety can do to you. 

I put this out on my personal social media and I got so many inquiries on how I did it. How I paid off $140,000 in 26 months. 

I plan to write an email this weekend and beyond that will start to outline this journey that I took. 

If you want to learn more, make sure you subscribe to my weekly email. You can do so by clicking here

This note is not to throw it in anyone's face or to make anyone feel badly about their situation. This note is to say that ANYONE can do this. ANYONE. I am a normal human, with a 9-5, Monday - Friday job. I called my shot, dug deep and got in the mud with all the grit I could find. It was not easy, but it was worth it. I promise. 

Follow this journey and learn how YOU can do the same by clicking here


A Journey To Financial Freedom.

