A Journey To Financial Freedom.

It has been a journey. 

Let me tell you. 

From almost being evicted from our home with my daughter back in 2006, to where I stand today, there have been many tears, so much sweat, and too much pain and suffering. 

But I will say that it was all worth it. 

Starting at the beginning, I was almost evicted from our home for a different kind of debt. 

Credit card debt. 

In order to show up as mama to my sweet little girl in my early 20’s, I accrued so much credit card debt. It was how I bought food, diapers, clothes, and gas. 

You name it, I charged it. 

That chapter of my debt journey caused me to have to reach out to family and ask for a place to stay while I picked up the mess I had made for myself and my sweet baby girl. 

During that time, I decided that going back to school would be the best option. To further my education, and hopefully, find myself in a better career one day. One that made more money. One that had more stability for both myself and my daughter.

So I enrolled in school to start my Undergrad Program. 

I already had an Associates. One that I started at the tender age of 18, fresh out of high school. Soon after enrolling, I became a mama. 

I continued on with this degree, knowing that modeling to my little girl was what I needed to do. 

To not give up on yourself. 

To always keep going. 

Now in my 20’s, I found myself in a place that I needed to change my degree. I made the decision that Business Administration would be more broad and give me opportunities that I didn’t know existed. 

I worked my butt off for that degree. 

I worked full time.

I raised my daughter. 

I relocated and started a new job.

I moved in with the love of my life. 

This ride felt wild, fast, and to be honest, chaotic at times. But I was going to prove to myself and the rest of the world I could do it. 

Why am I starting here? Because you need to know, though this debt brought me SO MUCH ANXIETY, it also brought so much to my life too.

There was so much to be proud of. 

So much to be grateful for. 

So much that I took for granted. 

I completed my Undergrad, and immediately entered into my Masters. Why stop now? I was on a roll! I had figured out how to “juggle” all of the balls. 

I was a mama. 

I was a partner. 

I was a friend. 

I was a co-worker and employee. 

I was doing it. 

Look at me. 

Nothing could stop me.

I thought. 

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Talk 40 To Me - Update


$140,000 Gone.