No One Tells You.

No one tells you just how easy it is to take out all the loans you are going to need to further your education. 

No one tells you that if your parents won’t cosign for you, there are ways around it. 

No one tells you that if you need more money to “live,” you don’t need to work, nope. You can just take out even MORE money than what your education actually costs. 

No one tells you what this is going to look like on the other side of your graduation date. 

Out of sight, out of mind. 

No one tells you because they don’t want you to know the truth. 

You’re 18.

You’re fresh out of high school. 

And most likely it’s your first living experience outside of your parents’ home. 

“You’re free.”

Until you’re not. 

I get it. 

That was me. 

They made it so easy for me to take out the loans that I needed to get my Associates, Undergrad and then my Masters. 

Quick click of some buttons. 

Electronic signatures. 

Handcuffs on. 


I don’t think I ever saw a human on the other side of any of those loans. 

I had no idea that as I walked down each of those graduation aisles, the amount of money that had been accruing was enough to buy my first home. 

That amount of money was also nowhere near the salaries I was being offered, or had accepted. 

And can I just add here that I don’t actually recall school ever teaching us, with real life examples like college expenses, things like interest rates, cost of living or income needed to survive outside our parents’ home. 

Maybe I missed that class, but I just can’t seem to recall it. 

I also don’t recall ever going over any sort of concept like considering what degree you are going for, and what possible jobs you could potentially get once you graduate. And let's be clear here…. The jobs we run these numbers with, need to be the ones with a STARTING pay, not the ones with 10+ years experience. 

Reality check for me for sure. 

But in all seriousness, once all things are considered, it is THEN and only THEN that you can see the real picture of what your reality could look like outside of schooling. It is then that you should really think about what schools you can afford on the other side of your graduation. It is then that you can see a glimpse of what life COULD look like. 

But like I said, they don’t tell you, because “you don’t have to worry about it,” that is, until it is too dang late. 

And at that point, it’s your mess, not theirs. Because they didn’t tell you to make it. 

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