My Life.

I don’t understand why people believe so strongly that they have any say on how I live my life

I am so tired of people believing that they know what is best for me. As if I was polling the audience for their opinions. 

Making me believe that the life I live is not good enough for them

But what if it is good enough for me? Should that count for anything? 

What if I actually love the life I am living? What if how I am showing up in my life is exactly the way I want to show up? The way I have dreamt of showing up.  

Does that matter? 

What if I’ve made decisions and choices that have brought me to this life on purpose? 

Because I am not showing up in the way you would or the way that you want me to, does not mean I am not living a good, true life. 

It is actually the complete opposite. 

You see, I have actually never felt so alive, so grounded, so secure in my life before. So maybe, just maybe, your way has been the wrong way for me to live my life

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Stable Ground.