Talk 40 To Me - Update

I’m 40!

And if you remember, last year on my 39th birthday I created a list I called my “Talk 40 To Me” list of things I wanted to do over the course of the next year. I thought it would be good to update you on where I landed with it.

Below is what I accomplished and what I didn’t.

I knew for a fact that I was signing up for a LOT, and that the reality of me doing them ALL was slim. But I will say it felt good to have a list of things to work towards over the course of the year!

Here’s the list! 

Talk 40 to Me!

Get my first tattoo 

Do my first 5K in person (I’ve done them solo or with a friend “virtual”, but now it’s time to do it in a crowd!)

Become debt free by my 40th birthday  - I am SO close and will have hit this by the end of April. I call this a win still! 

See a play (maybe two) in person. 

Spend 24 hours all by myself in a hotel 

Do a girls trip 

Visit Portland overnight with my love 

Sign four new clients 

See an allergist, to retest my nut allergy

Go to chiropractor regularly 

See a nutritionist 

Order a bottle of wine at a dinner out 

Donate blood 

Make Shutterfly albums for 2019, 2020 and start my quarterly sorting practice of pictures for 2021

Complete the Wason Pounder obstacle course- they moved this to May, so that’s not my fault! Lol. 

Sit on a Board of Directors for a local non profit  

Sign up for dance lessons 

Take a family vacation 

Take a cooking lesson 

Learn to cook a fresh artichoke 

Learn more about systemic racism, white privilege - I feel like this can never be crossed off because there is SO much to unlearn. 

Buy new clothes that make me feel GOOD!

Buy Ray-Bans (I’ve never purchased expensive sunglasses before!)

Write a letter to myself for when I turn 50.

Host an in-person event for the full Unapologetically Me Tribe 

Hold a Mastermind Retreat/girls getaway 

Grow pumpkins 

Get a massage (often)  

Get shellac manicure (often)

Go to Opus Ten in Portland 

Have a beach picnic 

Go for a police ride along 

Go mountain biking with my husband 

Go zip lining 

Hike a mountain 

See a NEW band live 

Start writing my book 

Do a sunset paddle 

Have our retirement plan in place

Create one to one adventures with each of my three girls

I hope if anything, I have inspired someone to create a list for them to work towards! It doesn’t have to be a big milestone birthday, it can happen at any birthday! Let me know if this is something you plan on doing in the comments below. I always love hearing from you!

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