Talk 40 To Me

For the last three years, I have wanted a tattoo. It was ever since we had our third daughter join our family. I had this vision of three birds that I felt reflected each of my girls. I went back and forth about it for some time. Then when I finally decided it was time, COVID happened. 

As my birthday approached this year, I realized that for three years I had been making all the excuses to not get it. The thing was, it wasn’t just the tattoo that I was finding myself dragging my feet on. It was everything. That’s when I decided I wanted to do something about it. 

So what did I do? I created a challenge for myself. I mean, what else would I do!? If you know me, you know I love me a challenge or goal. So, I came up with a list of things that I wanted to do in my last year of my 30’s. I of COURSE had to come up with a cute name for this list. 

Ready for it?!

Talk 40 to Me!

Below is a list of 40 things that I plan to do over the course of this next year (April 2022 I will be 40). Your role in this is to hold me accountable. As I check things off the list I will update it here, AND share it on my social with an update. 

Here’s the list! 

  • Get my first tattoo 

  • Do my first 5K in person (I’ve done them solo or with a friend “virtual”, but now it’s time to do it in a crowd!)

  • Become debt free by my 40th birthday  

  • See a play (maybe two) in person. 

  • Spend 24 hours all by myself in a hotel 

  • Do a girls trip 

  • Visit Portland overnight with my love 

  • Sign four new clients 

  • See an allergist, to retest my nut allergy

  • Go to chiropractor regularly 

  • See a nutritionist 

  • Order a bottle of wine at a dinner out 

  • Donate blood 

  • Make Shutterfly albums for 2019, 2020 and start my quarterly sorting practice of pictures for 2021

  • Complete the Wason Pounder obstacle course

  • Sit on a Board of Directors for a local non profit  

  • Sign up for dance lessons 

  • Take a family vacation 

  • Take a cooking lesson 

  • Learn to cook a fresh artichoke 

  • Learn more about systemic racism, white privilege 

  • Buy new clothes that make me feel GOOD!

  • Buy Ray-Bans (I’ve never purchased expensive sunglasses before!)

  • Write a letter to myself for when I turn 50.

  • Host an in-person event for the full Unapologetically Me Tribe 

  • Hold a Mastermind Retreat/girls getaway 

  • Grow pumpkins 

  • Get a massage (often)  

  • Get shellac manicure (often)

  • Go to Opus Ten in Portland 

  • Have a beach picnic 

  • Go for a police ride along

  • Go mountain biking with my husband 

  • Go zip lining 

  • Hike a mountain 

  • See a NEW band live 

  • Start writing my book 

  • Do a sunset paddle 

  • Have our retirement plan in place

  • Create one to one adventures with each of my three girls

It’s going to be a busy, but amazing year when I complete each of these! I am so excited to report out how it goes with all of you. If you have a milestone birthday coming up, or even if it’s not a milestone, I still highly recommend doing something like this for yourself. 

What’s on the list for YOU? I’d love it if you shared an idea in the comments below. Come on girl, dream big! You deserve it!



