
I would never make it. 

I was just another statistic. 

I was going to amount to nothing. 

My life was over, before it had ever begun. 

I would be just like the others. 

That’s what they used to tell me. 

That was the narrative I believed. 

I was the tender age of 18. 

I could have let THEIR narrative become mine. 

I could have allowed their preconceived notions to become my reality. Instead I turned that shame and fear into my drive. 

Into my passion. 

It’s what motivated me. 

It’s what fueled me. 

It’s what kept me going all those times I just didn’t want to.

I didn’t want to, but I knew I had to.

I always thought to myself, “Someday they’ll see. Someday I’ll show them.”

It took me years to realize that I didn’t owe THEM a thing. 

I’ve never owed anyone else one ounce of proof of my worth. 

Who I owe something to, is myself. But not proof, instead an apology. An apology for ever allowing that shame or doubt ever enter my mindset. 

What sparked this post was that I was asked recently, “What was the best decision you’ve ever made.” 

I had to think long and hard about this one because a lot of really amazing things have happened in my life. So many that I am truly proud of. 

But the one that bubbled up for me the most, that I could say with my whole heart was this. 

I never once gave up on myself. Even when others might have, that is when my dedication to myself got stronger. I never once believed that I couldn’t do something, because I always, and I mean ALWAYS, knew that I would figure it out. I didn’t always know how, or when, but I knew with my entire being that I was going to make it to the other side. That I was going to BE someone. I was going to break the mold that I was assumed to be put into. 

Tell me that you think I can’t, and allow me to show you how I can, even faster and better than either of us could have imagined. 

Now, I know I must have some fellow underdogs reading this post. You know who you are. The ones that feel like you just cannot meet the expectations of those around you. The ones that get knocked down, picked back up, then knocked back down again. 

Yes, you. Pay attention for a minute. This note is for you. 

Those people sitting in the cheap seats of your life. You know, the ones outside the ring, just looking in? The ones sitting over there making all that noise, trying to distract you in order to keep you down, when you know the right thing to do is to get back up. 

Ya, those people. 

They have no say in your worth. They have zero say in your life. 


Seriously, I am here to remind you that it is not about them. Not one bit of any of this is about them. We are all going to have people in our lives that might find themselves in our ring, but let me tell you, it’s a totally different experience when you have people in your corner. Those people in your corner? They’re your people. Lean into them. They are far and few between, but when you find them, hold onto them tight. 

Honestly, it’s a rare find.  

And until you find them, keep showing up in your life. It’s not up to anyone else to save you. It’s up to YOU. Be your own dang hero. You are so much stronger than you think you are. 

Go ahead, tell us we can’t, and I’ll show you how fast I actually CAN. 




Talk 40 To Me