It’s Like an 8th Grade Dance.

Have you ever wanted to try something out, but your fears stopped you? 

Or you care too dang much about what other people are going to think? 

Have you ever tried something out and felt so flipping awkward? You look at yourself and think “What in the heck am I doing?! I have no place doing this!”

Ya, me too. 

Exhibit A: My blog! 

You guys, this month marks two years since I first launched my blog. It is wild to even think about. I had no idea what I was doing. I never in a million years thought that people would actually read it. I honestly never thought I would follow through with it in the way I have. 

Where did the courage come from? What was I thinking? 

I knew that if something was sitting on my heart, it was there for a reason. I also knew that throughout my entire life, if there was something I didn’t know how to do, I always believed I could figure it out. 

So that brings me to my next example. 

Exhibit B: My new podcast! 

Creating a podcast has been something I have wanted to do for some time now, but kept putting it off. I kept making excuse after excuse as to why I wasn’t ready. 

Then one day I decided it was time! 

So I bought the microphone and Googled the crap out of the internet. I found all the basics of how I should create this thing that I knew NOTHING about. But then I reminded myself, I knew nothing about blogging. Or coaching. Or the power of social media. And here I am, two years in. 

Look at me go!  

No, look at me GROW! 

And you know what, I don’t fake it till I make it. Instead I have the mindset that I figure it out, because I have ALWAYS figured it out. 

Are the first couple of episodes like an awkward 8th grade dance? They sure are! As sweaty and awkward as they come! But you know what? 


Do the thing girl. Whatever that thing is for you! Take the dance class. Sing the dang song at karaoke! Start learning a new language and try it out on total strangers. Write the book! Start the blog! Whatever is sitting on your heart, do not let fear or other people's opinions stop you! 

You do you girl!

This is me, showing up, unapologetically as ME. Now it’s your turn! 

I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate two years since building the blog and this community, but to launch the Unapologetically Me Podcast. 

I hope you find the same value in the podcast that you have within the content of the blog and social. 

Don’t you ever forget…. You’ve got this! We’ve got this. I’m cheering you on!

Now go on and give it a listen! 

iTunes click here. Podcast website click here.


The Ache.


How Becoming a Morning Person Changed My Life