How Becoming a Morning Person Changed My Life

How Becoming a Morning Person Changed My Life 

A wise woman once told me, you need to start your day on offense instead of defense. Not being a sports fan, I had to actually Google the difference so I could understand what she meant by this. Then it hit me. Waking up at the same time as my kids really did start my day in defense. First, I had no coffee in me and my brain was foggy from being in a deep sleep (okay, maybe not deep sleep because really, who sleeps when you have littles). If I am waking up to them waking up, then walking into their room to their immediate demands and needs,  most mornings I am starting my day losing my patience upon entry.  That sounds like a nightmare in itself! But that’s what I had been doing FOR YEARS. It never dawned on me.

I decided that it was time to take action and flip my day. But the limiting belief that was loud in my brain was that “I wasn’t a morning person.” I had never been one my whole life, so how in the world was I going to be one now? I am not even joking, when I told family and friends they actually laughed out loud. It just wasn’t who I was. I think because of the reactions I was determined to change my habits, be intentional and make this a new reality.

I started making small changes, which ended being small victories, which then made a new morning routine. Here is what every single morning looks like now for me. 

  • I wake up at 5AM every single day. Yup, even on the weekends. 

  • I have a full glass of water (my tumbler is 20 ounces) while my coffee is brewing. 

  • I write in my journal every single morning 

  • I go through my different daily trackers 

  • I work on something for me (work out, meditation, etc.)

  • I have a shake for breakfast 

  • I enjoy my cup of coffee, in silence. It’s wonderful. 

How this has changed my life? 

  • I’m a morning person! For most of my life I thought I was not a morning person and come to find out I actually am!

  • I have so much energy to take on my day. 

  • I feel more productive and present in my day. 

  • My mornings are less stressful and less chaotic. Mornings by no means are perfect and sometimes the kids wake up during my 5AM hour, but I still do the same as above with them cuddling up on the couch before we start our day. 

  • I am fast asleep most nights by 9:30PM. I struggled with this at first thinking I was missing out on me time at the end of the day, but in reality I do get a little at night, but also in the morning, so it is double me time. 

  • A great cup of coffee tastes so much better in silence. 

I’m curious to know, what does your morning currently look like? Do you think you could add some daily habits that would make for a better start to your day? I’d like to challenge you to come up with one new daily practice and start it this week. Share it below and then report back how it went! Make it a first small step. Small steps equal victories just like any other step. Give it a try!

As the wise John Maxwell says “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” If you truly want to be the best version of yourself, you are going to need to make some changes. Your life won’t change for the better if you hold onto your bad habits. You’ve got this, I believe in you! 


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