Bubblegum Pink.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. 

We walked around what would soon be our home, imagining what it was going to look like. Daydreaming about the days to come. 

I remember when we asked you what color you wanted to paint your room. We had never been in a home before that you could paint your room whatever color you wanted. You were beside yourself with excitement! 

Bubble gum pink. 

That’s the color you choose. That’s the color we painted. 

You were so proud of your choice. Your eyes lit up when you saw it. Your snow globes and horse were perfectly set up in your brand new room. A room in a home that would become your stability. 

Together we had moved too many times to even count. Always making each stop an adventure. Adventures that only you and I knew the stories behind. 

Today, I sit in your bedroom, reminiscing about those times. About the thirteen years of memories that we made in this home. About the memories that came before it. 

It’s so strange. In the day to day, life didn’t seem to go by that fast. We’d even sometimes complained that it was going by too slow. Busy weeks, never seeming to end in order to get to our favorite times, the weekend. Long, drawn out dinners while we fought your little sisters to just eat their meals, seemed like they were never going to end. Wishing away school years to get to the summer, freedom. 

Wishing time to move faster. 

I want to take back all those moments I wished away time.

And then just like that, I blinked my eyes and found myself watching you put the final items of your room into your car, and pull out of our driveway. 

There she goes. 

Today, I watched you take the next step in starting a new chapter. Today, my heart broke into a million little pieces. Pieces that I watched pull out of my driveway in a tan Toyota Corrolla.

Don’t be fooled. Through those tears is such a proud mama. 

I knew this day would come. It’s supposed to. It’s what we sign up for as parents. You teach them everything you can and then you watch them fly away. You watch as they mold into the versions of themselves they were meant to be. I have no fear about who it is you will become. I have no doubt in my heart that you are going to move mountains. That you are going to change the world. 

Your journey Ish, it begins today. 

I can’t wait to see what new adventures you create for yourself.  To hear the stories and see you light up as you tell them. But please know this. I will never forget our adventure my girl. Because ours will always be one of my favorites. 


What if We’re Not Broken?