
The version of me that showed up in 2020 was unstoppable. It was the word I had chosen and the life I lived. 

I was unstoppable.

I quite literally did not stop. I was always doing something. I don’t think I rested much. I didn’t take time for me much. I was keeping my house going. Navigating my job and team through a pandemic. Coaching seven women from all over the US.

There was no stopping me. 

I don’t regret any of this. Not one bit. 


This years version of me looks a little different. At first I was struggling with this, but now I think I get it. 

2021 versions of me, she’s still a mover and a shaker. She is getting shit done. She’s also finding many more moments of rest, pause, and grace. She’s working on showing up intentionally in her life and for her little core. 

Her island. Her most valuable treasure. 

She’s more confident in herself and what she wants in this life. She knows what she will except on her island and what she will not. She’s working hard on creating stronger, more sustainable boundaries that will  allow for a healthier life. 

She’s on her journey to freedom, but her goal is not just checking things off her list. She’s doing it slowly. She’s steadying herself. She’s understanding and unpacking the why. 

Shes making HER a priority again. 

She’s feeling life. She has hope.

I’ve never met this version of me before, but I like her. I respect her. I look forward to seeing what she has to teach me.


Are You Mad?

