One to One Coaching.

Are you ready to not break promises to yourself? Are you looking for someone to hold you accountable? Are you looking for someone to cheer you on when you need it? Or to give you a little tough love when you might need that too? 

Well then, I’m your girl! 

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Don’t wish for it, work for it.

YOU can be the person YOU want and know you can be! It’s okay, you don’t need to do it on your own. That’s what I am here for. I will help cast a vision for what it is you want in your future self. Then together we will break it down into tangible milestones that will make it feel more manageable to attain. 

I’ve got you girl! You’ve got this! We’ve got this. I’m here for you. 

What does one to one coaching include? 

  • One to one calls with Pamela either once a month or bi-weekly.

  • Access to the Unapologetically Me Tribe over on Facebook. 

  • Access to any Mastermind opportunities. 

  • Workbook to help track your progress + keep you accountable!